I help professional and career women who are tired of being silenced grow into their full authentic potential, be recognized and get promoted. Are you ready to get paid what you deserve?

Too often women shy away from promoting their ambitions… and forget to ask…..


Are you ready to transform your work and your career as a conscious leader?

You want to up-level your career and your work

You want to see beyond your capacities, abilities and talents

You want to dig deep inside and find your authentic leadership

You want to perform on your terms

You want to slay the dragon that keeps you stuck

You want to be seen

You are ready to leap and move forward as a conscious leader….

Female Leader johannepitre.com

Get your energy working for you and fueling the way you live, lead and play…


Shift your your energy from low to high and uncover your passion & purpose.


Lead from your highest energy while on the road you really want to take.


Aligned with your passion, clear about your legacy and enjoying the results.

Get ignited by choosing to uncover and owning who you are and what you want.

Because you love yourself enough to value who you are

Because you can only win when you have purpose

Because you can overcome fear and self-doubt

Because you can do your boldest and most fulfilling work

Because bias is only a step not an excuse

Because you know you deserve it, it calls you

Because your truth is coming from inside out

Get energetic alignment in your life and your work.


Individual Coaching

You are at a crossroad, you want to rise, lead and prosper.  Plan your next step.

Group Coaching

Your team needs a boost?  Communication,  Positive Influence, and Presence.


Give your team, your members, access to My Proven Energy Leadership tips

WHY work with me:

Besides Johanne’s proven method (Energy Leadership) she will get you on the road to courage standing up in your power, living your values, listening mindfully,  expressing your thoughts freely, having the difficult conversations, and to rise, lead and prosper. As Brené Brown says: “Courage comes from the word CORE and means the ability to do something even in fear”.


After more than 25 years in the corporate world, rising up the corporate ladder and being very well paid, Johanne decided to help empower women who are tired of being invisible at work grow into their full potential as the leader they choose to be.

